Diving Cape Ann and Boston's North Shore By Donald W. Whitehead 112 pages, 6x9 inches, paperback, 206 B & W photos, foldout map
ISBN 0-9710366-1-6
Pub Date: 2005
Price $18.95
Diving Cape Ann and Boston's North Shore covers 70 shore, boat and wreck dives. The author describes the marine life and topography of each site, and for the shipwrecks, includes the history of the ship and its sinking. Also included are directions, parking, beaches and scenic picknicking. Two hundred and six black and white photographs illustrate the sites both above and below the water line. A fold out map locates each site.
Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Introduction to Diving Cape Ann
- Introduction to Diving Boston's North Shore
- Dive Sites
- Appendix
- Recreational Finfish Regulations
- Recreational Shellfish Regulations
- Massachusetts Dive Flag Law
- Local Ordinances
- Air Fills, Equipment Sales and Rentals
- Charter Boats
- Links
- Dive Instruction/Certification
- Dive Clubs/Organizations
- About the Author
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About the Author
Donald W. Whitehead has been diving and photographing Cape Ann and the North Shore for over 40 years. He currently lives in Salem, MA.